You can register your mobile phone as a sensor under Settings/Manage Blitzers to create your own Blitzer immediately. If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact technical support at

To Install:

  1. Simply download the Blitzl app using the applicable link above;

  2. Register and/or Log in;

  3. Interact with Blitzers by Category in view on the Home page;

  4. Find connections and chats in Contacts/Contacts.

When you are in the vicinity of a Blitzer, its chosen Category will appear on your Home screen. To start a conversation, simply tap on that Category and then their name. You can send the owner of the Blitzer a message and start a chat. Now you can also join the Blitzer to receive broadcast messages from its owner.

To Set Up Your Own Blitzer:

  1. Go to Settings/Manage Blitzers and select a Blitzer with a unique sensor code in range;;

  2. Follow the steps to configure the Blitzl Free mobile phone as sensor and/or Pro IP66 Blitzl sensor(s) with your preferred Category and Content;

  3. Optionally, configure indoor or outdoor Locational Blitzl sensors for more targeted and efficient service by clicking on the location icon, naming the location and selecting unique sensor code in range; and

  4. Find connections and chats in Contacts/Patrons.

Blitzers can be edited or deleted at any time. You cannot see your own Blitzers on the Home page - just the Blitzers of others in range. Note that when using portable individual mobile phone Blitzl sensor mode you can only see the Blitzers of others on the Home page when both have the app opened.

Our Pro Plan uses separate small fixed and portable Blitzl sensors in various formats for longer range, always-on service. Contact us for more information and attractive pricing.

To Send a Broadcast Message:

  1. Go to Settings/Manage Blitzers and select the "Broadcast" symbol next to the desired Blitzer;

  2. Select the box next to the member(s) to receive the Broadcast Message;

  3. Select "Send Message" at the bottom of the page;

  4. Type a message into the input box and select the arrow symbol on the right to send; and

  5. Receive responses from recipients by Blitzer in Chats under Patrons.

To Receive texts with GPS location and/or other Nearby Blitzers from Joined Members:

  1. Joined member selects "Chat" symbol on Blitzer or next to chosen contact in Contacts/Contact;

  2. Joined member selects "Share" symbol on bottom right of page;

  3. From Pop-up, Joined member selects "Location" to send GPS Location and/or "Nearby Blitzers" to send up to 3 Blitzers nearest to Joined member; and

  4. Receive text from a Joined member with GPS location link and/or up to 3 Blitzers nearest to Joined member.

To View Joined Members Close By:

  1. Go to Settings/Manage Blitzers and select the "Broadcast" symbol next to the desired Blitzer;

  2. Joined members will be listed on the page based on distance from Blitzer;

  3. Joined members close by will show In Time and Out Time for the current day; and

  4. Select "Export List" at the bottom of the page to export 7 days of activity to the location of choice in csv format for attendance/count.

To Set/Reset Location and Discovery Range:

  1. Go to Settings/Manage Blitzers and select the "Location" symbol next to the desired Blitzer;

  2. Select "Continuously Update" for the location to continuously update with its associated iPhone (iOS) or Android device. This is the only choice for mobile phone as sensor Blitzers;

  3. Select "Set/Reset Location" to set a fixed Blitzer location. New location is displayed in a pop-up message. "Continuously Update" turns off. This feature does not apply to mobile phone as sensor Blitzers; and

  4. Select "Discovery Range" and add desired distance for Blitzer discovery by others. Turning "Discovery Range" off sets Blitzer range to close by only.

To Set the desired Blitzer in View Range:

  1. Select "Settings"; and

  2. Select "Show Blitzers in Range" and add the desired distance for viewing Blitzer by others. Turning "Show Blitzers in Range" to off sets viewing to close by Blitzers only.